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Unlike many algebraic Linear algebra is one of the central disciplines in mathematics. A student of pure mathematics must know linear algebra if he is to continue with modern algebra or functional analysis. Much of the mathematics now taught to engineers and physicists requires it. Linear Algebra has application to the natural sciences, engineering, management, and the social sci-ences as well as mathematics. Consequently, 18 optional “applications” sections are included in the text introducing topics as diverse as electrical networks, economic models, Markov chains, linear recurrences, 2017-09-04 ABOUT THIS TEXTBOOK: Linear Algebra with Applications by W. Keith Nicholson, traditionally published for many years is now being released as an open educational resource and part of Lyryx with Open Texts!Supporting today’s students and instructors requires much more than a textbook, which is why Dr. Nicholson opted to work with Lyryx Learning. Reviewed by Sergio Maria-Fagundez, Mathematics Instructor, Thomas Nelson Community College on 3/21/19 Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less.
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Linear Algebra has application to the natural sciences, engineering, management, and the social sci-ences as well as mathematics. Consequently, 18 optional “applications” sections are included in the text introducing topics as diverse as electrical networks, economic models, Markov chains, linear recurrences,
ABOUT THIS TEXTBOOK: Linear Algebra with Applications by W. Keith Nicholson, traditionally published for many years is now being released as an open educational resource and part of Lyryx with Open Texts!Supporting today’s students and instructors requires much more than a textbook, which is why Dr. Nicholson opted to work with Lyryx Learning. Reviewed by Sergio Maria-Fagundez, Mathematics Instructor, Thomas Nelson Community College on 3/21/19 Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less.
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